Love Where You Live: 6 Strategies for Working With Your Pittsburgh Interior Designer to Create a Space That Brings You Joy

Over our decade of marriage, Ted and I have moved six times and learned to create “home” in each space we called our own. Over time, our style evolved from hand-me-down pieces that worked for a season to a collection of furniture and art that reflects who we are and the life we’ve built together.

Home For the Holidays? 10 Ways to Have Fun (And Stay Safe!) in Pittsburgh During COVID-19

Home For the Holidays? 10 Ways to Have Fun (And Stay Safe!) in Pittsburgh During COVID-19

As the holidays approach, we’re all feeling a variety of emotions. On one hand, there’s a great deal of relief to ring in the end of 2020, but we’re also feeling a good deal of anxiety about celebrating the holidays with the people we love—especially as the City of Pittsburgh is discouraging the community from visiting friends and family to celebrate. As COVID-19 cases increase in Pittsburgh and the rest of the United States, we’re reminded of how important it is to be open to a new take on old traditions.

Market Update: The Impact of COVID-19 on Pittsburgh’s Real Estate Market

Market Update: The Impact of COVID-19 on Pittsburgh’s Real Estate Market

When we all started to quarantine in March to avoid COVID-19, we expected the real estate market to take an enormous hit. We predicted the housing market would freeze up because people were going to stop looking for new homes—especially as their personal finances grew uncertain. Our prediction was wrong. Instead, the Pittsburgh real estate market has grown rapidly through COVID-19.

Home Inspection Checklist: 10 Line Items Your Inspector Will Look For (And What You Should Do As the Buyer or Seller)

Home Inspection Checklist: 10 Line Items Your Inspector Will Look For (And What You Should Do As the Buyer or Seller)

No matter which side of the sale we’re on-- representing the buyer or the seller, there is always a nervous anticipation when it comes to the inspection. As a buyer, the inspection is a reality check that is a bit like jumping from the “first date” to the “tenth date,” and you may learn some details about the house that leave you a bit uncomfortable. If you’re the seller, a long list of problems could kill your sale or directly cut into your home’s value. You may have initially listed your cozy Cape Cod for $200,000, but a serious foundational issue could torpedo the sale—or cost you an extra $10,000 (5% of your sale price!). As the buyer, an inspection that comes back with a series of issues could work in your favor since you can use them to negotiate a lower price or have the seller fix them before you move in—or it could completely turn you away.